Research projects

…very strong electron pulse compression, Free Electron Laser (FEL) based techniques or a combination of compression and FEL schemes. The proposed project will start by exploring the capabilities in current…

Previous SCIENTĂŤFika

complete understanding of the complex quantum mechanical processes in the early stages of the x-ray induced molecular dissociation. In particular, recent MAX-lab results on the photodissociation of tetrabromothiophene and di-iodothiophene…

MAX IV involvement in European projects

…available at leading European synchrotrons and neutron facilities. Another aim of the project is to enhance expertise at UTARTU in the complementary computational methods that are used for materials’ modelling,…

Safety requirements for employees

…activates/updates the access card after a completed correct test. Contact the reception at MAX IV for information about access cards. If you experience any technical problems with the online test,…

Safety requirements for contractors

…biological samples. The safety training must be renewed yearly. The reception activates/updates the access card after a completed correct test. Contact the reception at MAX IV for information about access…

Sample environments and equipment

…based on a Standa 8MT50 stages with rotary encodes and a full step resolution of 5 µm. Scan length 200 mm. This stage is compatible with fast continuous scanning (fly scans)….


the computer resources MAX IV users can use the MAX IV Local Computer round SUPR -> Rounds -> Compute Rounds -> Centre Local Compute -> MAX IV compute Acknowledgement for the

HPC Basics

…add arguments if required mpirun -n 96 python /mxn/nanomax/sw/CDIsuite/ –path=/data/nanomax/prn20161125/ –file=GIA_sxw.h5 –scan=12 –scratch=$TMPDIR Get statistics on completed jobs Once your job has completed, you can get additional information that was not…